Professor Dr Tania Peitzker is a pioneering technologist in the field of applied Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies. She's long been a published author with her first stories published in State newspapers in her youth. Since then she's written for the Wall Street Journal in Brussels and Berlin, The Times Higher Education newspaper in London as their Swiss and German correspondent for knowledge transfer news and innovation reporter for VentureBeat in California and Digital First magazine from India. Tania was interviewed by India's CXO Magazine, Australia's ABC radio broadcaster and the USA's TechGuide. The Netherlands Ben Holland has published an in-depth review of her AI book on chatbots commissioned by New York's Business Expert Press (BEP). Dr. phil. Peitzker is an Adjunct Professor at USV, the University of Silicon Valley. She has given seminars for the US Department of Commerce's NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology for FI